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About me

I am YU Yue (Will), an undergraduate at the University of Hong Kongopen in new window.


My research interest includes machine learning system, neural rendering, in-memory computing, and computer architecture.


Neural radiance fieldopen in new window (NeRF) implicitly represents a 3D scene with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) F:(x,d)→(c,σ)F: (\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{d}) \rightarrow (\boldsymbol{c}, \sigma) for some position x∈R3\boldsymbol{x} \in \mathbb{R}^3, view direction d∈[0,π)×[0,2π)\boldsymbol{d} \in [0, \pi) \times [0, 2\pi), color c\boldsymbol{c}, and "opacity" σ\sigma. Rendered results are spectacular.

I am currently working on rapid and accurate 3D reconstruction of real-world scenes with NeRF. See my posts (link) on NeRF.



Needle is a deep learning library with customized GPU and NumPy CPU backend. The project is still in progress; see my repositoryopen in new window for details.

To infinity and beyond[1]

Dataset distillation

Ever though of achieving 6565% test accuracy on CIFAR-10 with merely 1010 data points? It is achieved with neural tangent kernel (NTK). This is the way.[2]

  1. "To infinity and beyond" is a catchphrase by Buzz Lightyearopen in new window from the Pixar animation film Toy Storyopen in new window. It is cited here to indicate NTK enables an infinitely wide hidden layer in neural networks. ↩︎

  2. "This is the way" is a line from the Star Wars series the Mandalorianopen in new window, which describes the "Mando" style. It is cited here to emphasize only NTK may achieve such an unbelievable result as dataset distillation. ↩︎

Last update:
Contributors: YU Yue,Will Yu